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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Report: U.S. Solar Power Shines, Will Increase 75 Percent This Year

New Jersey leads the nation:

“New Jersey has been a leader in solar for years thanks to good state level policy,” Kann explained, “That’s the most important thing.”

Home Solar Power Storage — Another Option

As a follow up to a recent post this article deals with "own consumption" . Using battery storage and smart appliances. Some good comments follow...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Incentives Make Solar Affordable

For a fluff piece, this article has some interesting points.

And a good list of contact info, especially if you live and/or have a business in Mass.

Solar Power Customer Hot about Treatment,0,4409329.column

Caveat Emptor

Is it the utitlities responsibility to notify customers of net metering?

Is it unfair to solar customers if they only have one choice?

Since most alternative energy providers don't offer net metering, should
batteries be considered instead? Or more aggressive management, such as
using major appliances only during sunshine.

Here's an article that claims most people don't sell back to the grid... in New Zealand